tirsdag 18. mai 2010

The day after

My weekend in Etne with the dog was very nice. I met great people and learned a lot. One of the things I learned is that iam not used to crawl 3,5 days through the mountains. :) I must say, for me personal it was too much and I had to say stop sunday in the morning.:P

But the nature was fantastic and it was a very good experience for me and Alvin too.

Yesterday it was the norwegian national day celebration.

It was great fun for the kids.

I must say I had a good time too, but I was looking forward to my bed yesterday evening.
Ok, enough for today. I wish you all a good week:)

2 kommentarer:

  1. Na, mein Ding wäre das sicher auch nicht gewesen ... mir reicht schon unser 'Hausberg' *ächz* Allerdings hätte mich auf der anderen Seite die Natur doch sehr gereizt ... und das eine geht wohl nicht ohne das andere, oder?

    Wünsche Dir auch eine schöne Woche

  2. Dir auch eine schöne Woche...ruh dich mal gut aus,du Arme...lach
    Liebe Grüsse
