onsdag 28. september 2011
Jobbet mye/ Worked a lot
Nå er det på tide å oppdatere Bloggen. Jeg sleit med samvittigheten pga manglende oppdatering men her ha eg jobbet mye. Først i Stavanger og etter det i heimen.
-Jeg laget noen Batts av restfiber jeg hadde liggende.
-Rengjorde og vasket den sisten resten av egen saueull fra i fjor høst.
-Og tvunnet en del tråd på Navajovis.
Og jeg prøvde mine nye såpeformer.
Jeg har kjøpt meg en Dividor, så nå kan jeg lage 30 såper samtidig.
Såpen eg ha laget er rein olivenolje med tilsett sauemelk og fargen har eg laget med en grønn leire http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medicinal_clay.
Deilig for huden, ingen tilsettninger i form av parfume.
Forresten, nå på lørdag den 1.oktober er eg i Austrheim igjen. Da er det: Landbruksdagen fra kl 10- 15.
Jeg skal være der å demonstrere spinning på rokk. Kom gjerne innom for en prat.
Hello, I am back again from my work in Stavanger and I allready worked quite a bit at home.
I made some batts from some left over fiber, sorted out some wool and washed it and made some Navajoplying.
I used my new soap mold and I am pleased with the result. Oliveoil soap, with sheep milk and some medical clay for the colour. Nice and a good treat for the skin.
The link over says, that you can visit me in Austhreim this weekend. I will give some spinning wheel demonstrastion. If you are around, come and visit .
tirsdag 6. september 2011
Hekling/ Crochet
Men jeg starter å tvile...det er såååå stort. Så det krever en del motivasjon til å komme seg videre. Fordelen med denne oppskiften er at den er svært enkel å hekle, så at jeg kan hekle litt på jobben når det er rolig om nettene. Det krever ikke mye konsentrasjon som for eksempel en sjal med hullemønster.
Men, men vi få se hvor langt jeg kommer:) Ha en god uke. Jeg er forresten på jobb i Stavanger, så det blir ikke mye spinning eller ull de neste 3 uker:p
Hello. Some month ago I startet crocheing this blanket http://attic24.typepad.com/weblog/granny-stripe.html cause I liked it soo much.
But now I start hasitating a lot cause it is sooo big. So I have to motivate me each day to go on with it..
But the good thing with the pattern is that it is very easy and I can crochet a bit during calm nights at work. Well I will see, hope it will not end as an UFO.
Btw, Ia m in Stavanger at work, so I cant show any spinn or fiber for the next 3 weeks. Bye:)
søndag 28. august 2011
Vevstove i Austrheim
fredag 26. august 2011
Fenris på rull
Fenris er en http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia_Duck_Tolling_Retriever og tilhører noen jeg kjenner på Lindås-Nordhordaland. Når han mistet underullet ga matmoren hans ullet til meg og lurte på om det er mulig å spinne med. Jeg prøvde og måtte tvinnen med en sauetråd (hvit farge) men resultatet ble som jeg synes beldig bra. Jeg håper matmoren er fornøyd:) Lengde til tråden er ukjent for meg men det ble 45g.
Fenris is a http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nova_Scotia_Duck_Tolling_Retriever and he lives in Lindås/ Nordhordaland. I have got some underwool from his owner some month ago and I managed to spin 45 g. I had to use a sheep wool to ply with (white colour). I hope his owner is happy with the result..I am:)
onsdag 24. august 2011
I changed profile
Ut av praktiske årsaker vil Bloggen fra neste innlegg fortsette hovedsakelig på norsk. Jeg vil prøve å forklare mer om det senere. Jeg håper på forståelse.
torsdag 18. august 2011
My new old loom
This is what I bought today. It looks like a "Monika vev (loom), but I am not an expert. Anyway, I found an advertisment in the internett yesterday and it was not too far away from me. Drove there today and bought it. The loom looks quite nice but it is very dirty and looks like not beeing loved for a while.
Will try to fix/ shine it up during the next days. And than, hopefully I will try it. I have no ideas how but there are books and the internett. If someone has some book suggestions or other ideas please let me know.
tirsdag 16. august 2011
Holiday ends
Now Iam back from Thailand after 3 amazing weeks. We had a wonderfull time, but the holdiday went over too fast. Like allways. Coming home feels a bit strange. But on the other hand, it is nice to be back.
Thailand was really worth to visit, the people are so friendly. We had nice stays during the whole holidays. The hotels we stayed at were great and the food was soooo good.
I would love to travel back again....maybe next year..who knows. Anyway it was just amazing. If you are in Bangkok once i can recommand to visit the Jim Thompson house http://www.jimthompsonhouse.com/. It is a great place to visit if you are interested in Thai silk and architecture or just beautifull things.
lørdag 23. juli 2011
torsdag 21. juli 2011
Holidays comes closer
The weather in Stavanger was nice the last day. Some days ago i had shrimps at the habour. It tasted wonderfull. Friday is my last day here. And on sundag I am off for Thailand. :) Will be back in 3 weeks. Cu.
tirsdag 21. juni 2011
Baby blanket
I finally finished my baby blanket made after this pattern:http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/baby-chalice-blanket
I like it very much and Iam quite proud of me that I managed to give it away as a gift for my friends.:p
They became grandparents for the first time and I want to give something special to their grandchild called Aurora:)
The yarn I used was merino superwash which I spun by myself. I think I used a bit less than 200g and the blanket became after blocking 113x60 cm.
Hope little Aurora and parents will enjoy it:))
lørdag 11. juni 2011
Angeline wool
We have one grey/ black sheep between all the others and her name is Angeline.http://flowerssaape.blogspot.com/2009/04/her-ser-du-sapen-i-formen.html. Here is an old picture from her when she was still a lamb.
She has wonderfull wool and I spun it direct from her fiber without washing it. It has not so much Lanolin in it so it was nice to have in the hands and on the wheel. Its 3 thread, no Navajo, just 3 real threads together. Alltogether it is 250 g. I need about 200 g more. Have plans to knit a shirt from it, but not sure yet. It have to wait cause Iam off for some works the next month. Afterwards I will fly to Thailand...so looking forward to it. Hoping for 3 lovely weeks in Asia:)
Anyway, I will try to update my Blog but forgive me, if I cant manage it. Have a nice summer all together.
mandag 6. juni 2011
Facing trouble..
I can log into my Blog but I cant comment, as I than get the message to log inn, so i log in and than i get new info om inlogging. Have checked my settings but cant figure it out. Maybe you can give me some suggestions?
Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for making comments on my Blog. I really appriate that:))
søndag 5. juni 2011
Surprise and more
But in the end it turned out as a quite good result and the smell is lovely: Tearose.
Other things that happend yesterday: I met the lady from this blog http://filletantefishfish.blogspot.com/
It was so nice to talk to somebody who is into spinning as I am and i hope we will meet again:)
I met her here: http://www.ull.no/media//Torgdag-04062011-plakat.pdf
I was there to demonstrate the visitors how to use a spinning wheel. It was nice. Lots of interesting people showing their craftingwork and I wonder what will be my next thing..maybe buying a weaving loom..:)
I had a really good weekend...have all a good week..bye, bye for today
fredag 27. mai 2011
torsdag 26. mai 2011
The result
Here it is. The result of my last week spinning.
Sometimes it is good when there is an internett failure.
Cause in the night from friday to saturday we had such a heavy storm, and thunder and lightning. The lightning caused that all our electricity went and when it came back the broadband was down. After a call to the company we figured out that the router was broken and yesterday we got a new one.
But anyway, I had lots of time to spin and I started knitting on a baby blanket again with some other yarn I made earlier.
I will come back later with that one. Have a nice day:)
onsdag 18. mai 2011
Not allways easy to go on writing in my blog at times. I experience a lack of creativity in the last months.
But yesterday I felt really happy to create this yarn. Uplifting colours. I wanted to share them with you.
fredag 7. januar 2011
Is it possible?...
onsdag 5. januar 2011
Happy new year
Yes, I am still an amateur when it comes to Lace but I am working on it to become better. Still I think for my first blocking it`s not too bad.
The shawl is about 2 metres long and about 45cm wide on the smallest part.