Hello all of you:)
This will be just an update without pictures, cause Iam at work atm:)
Well first of all I must say sry for not have been updated my blogg for some month but I was not in the mood :p
Well anyway, lots of stuff happened and I hadnt rly the time to be creative at all.
We had our sons confirmationsday and it all went very well. In the sommer months I was not so busy spinning or knitting but i hope I can show you some of mynew stuff I made soon. I just have to finish my last week of work and then Iam able to put some pictures in.
Last week I started with a new knitting project:
http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/falling-birch-leavesI had some problems with the pattern in the beginning (like allways:) ) but now it looks like the pattern and I get friends in the end:)
Ok, thats all for today.